Clinical guidelines/clinical protocols on diagnostics, treatment and management of Type 1 diabetes and its complications
In 2018, by Order #809 of the Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Health dated September 26, 2018, a working group was created to develop clinical guidelines and clinical protocols for the diagnosis, treatment and management of type 1 diabetes and its complications. The working group included specialists from the Ministry of Health, National Center of Mother and Child Health, Endocrinology Center of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Health, professors of medical universities and other narrow specialists (nephrologists, ophthalmologists, resuscitators and endocrinologists) of regional and national levels.
The working group had been developing clinical guidelines and clinical protocols from October 2018 through July 2019. After discussion at the expert council of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Health and a broader discussion of the submitted documents in May 2019 with involvement of all stakeholders, including evidence-based medicine experts, specialists of the Ministry of Health, representatives of the Public Council of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Health, diabetic associations, FGP association, patient communities, representatives of medical universities, PHC specialists and other specialists 2 clinical guidelines and 4 clinical protocols for diagnosis, treatment and management of type 1 diabetes and its complications have been approved by Order #748 of the KR MoH as of 08.07.2019.
The clinical guidelines and clinical protocols can be found on the website of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Health by clicking on the following link: