HPAC team took part in the launch meeting of the new NCD Policy Lab Project: “Improving access to medicines and technologies for NCDs using diabetes as a tracer condition” which took place in Geneva

Recently, HPAC team took part in the launch meeting of the new NCD Policy Lab Project: “Improving access to medicines and technologies for NCDs using diabetes as a tracer condition” which took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from November 5 through 8, 2023.

This Project is supported by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The overall goal of the Project is to increase access to essential medicines and technologies for NCDs globally by using the access to diabetes medicines and products as a tracer for other NCDs.

In Kyrgyzstan, the Project is being implemented by our Center in partnership with the University of Geneva (Switzerland), the international NGO “Santé Diabète” which is aimed at improving diabetes care in African countries, as well as the Center of Excellence in Chronic Diseases “CRONICAS” in Peru.

Within the frames of the new promising Project in Kyrgyzstan and its key areas, the following activities have been planned.


The HAI’s ACCISS Cross Country Exchange was held on 2-3 December 2023 in Amsterdam

The HAI (Health Action International)’s ACCISS (Addressing the Challenges and Constraints of Insulin Sources and Supply) Cross Country Exchange was held on 2-3 December 2023 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The results of work carried out globally and nationally in four countries (Mali, Peru, Tanzania and Kyrgyzstan) during Phase III of the Project were presented at this meeting. Countries shared successes, lessons learned and existing challenges, and also outlined the key areas and prospects for further work within the frames of Phase IV, the activities of which will continue to be funded by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.

On December 4, immediately after the cross-country exchange meeting, a Multi-Stakeholder Meeting took place with participation of over 100 people. The participants represented such organizations as the Helmsley Charitable Trust, HAI, WHO, IDF, IDA Foundation, International Insulin Foundation, FIND; the universities of Geneva, Florida (USA), Erasmus (Netherlands), Milan and other universities; NovoNordisk, Sanofi and Eli Lilly companies, international organizations and NGOs focusing on diabetes, diabetes associations, leading clinics and ministries of health of various countries, as well as patient communities, in particular, T1International; and other organizations.

During this meeting the Kyrgyz team members took an active part in discussions about the global and national barriers to insulin access and also shared lessons learned from the NCD-related area and improving the quality of care for diabetes in Kyrgyzstan.

  1. Presentation on the ACCISS Project Phase III implementation in Kyrgyzstan 
  2. Key lessons learnt in the area of NCDs in the Kyrgyz Republic. Dobrynina N.P., Chief Endocrinologist of the KR MoH
  3. Advancing access to care in Kyrgyzstan: implementation of guidelines on diabetes. Zurdinova A.A., Chief Clinical Pharmacologist of the KR MoH and Azhymambetova G.K., Chief Nursing Specialist of the KR MoH

On November 27, 2023, a round table on “Addressing the Challenge and Constraints of Insulin Sources and Supply (ACCISS)” was held in Bishkek

On November 27, 2023, a round table on “Addressing the Challenge and Constraints of Insulin Sources and Supply (ACCISS)” was held in Bishkek. General trends on NCDs and diabetes in the Kyrgyz Republic were presented at the roundtable, as well as key Phase 3 activities of the ACCISS Project, the results of monitoring the implementation of Clinical Guidelines for managing type 1 diabetes, and also the results of monitoring the implementation of Clinical Guidelines and SOPs on diabetes for nurses. In addition, findings of the study on provision with Metformin of the Kyrgyz Republic population for treatment of type 2 diabetes and findings of monitoring prices for glucose-lowering drugs were presented.

Representative of Chui Region Diabetic Society Dzholchieva G.A. shared the success of its work on patient engagement to improve patient adherence to diabetes management, which is also supported by the ACCISS Project. Besides, the round table participants discussed the results of activities that had been carried out in Phase III of the ACCISS Project, as well as the suggested activities for the implementation in the field of diabetes in Phase IV of the Project. Information about new NCD Policy Lab Project and scheduled activities within the new project were presented for discussion by stakeholders.

The participants of the round table were representatives of all stakeholders involved in the process of improving the accessibility and affordability of medicines and treatment for diabetes: the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund, diabetic associations, National Center for Mother and Child Health and the Endocrinology Center, PHC facilities, projects coordinating work on diabetes and NCDs, FGP Association and the Association of Nursing Specialists , E-Health Center, chief endocrinologists from all regions joined online.


  1. NCD and diabetes general trends in the Kyrgyz Republic. Dobrynina N.P., Director of the Endocrinology Center
  2. ACCISS Project: Key activities of Phase III. Abdraimova A., HPAC
  3. Monitoring results of the implementation of CG/CP on type 1 diabetes for doctors. Zurdinova A.A., Chief clinical pharmacologist of the MoH of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  4. Monitoring results of the implementation of CGs and SOPs for nursing care. Azhymambetova G.K., Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Health
  5. Involvement of patients in improving adherence to diabetes management. Jolochieva G.A., Chief Endocrinologist of Chui Region/Founder of Chui Diabetes Society
  6. Provision of metformin to the population of the Kyrgyz Republic fortreatment of type 2 diabetes and the results of price monitoring of the glucose-lowering medicines. Abdraimova A., HPAC

ACCISS Study Regional Workshop on Improving Access to Insulin, 14 – 15 October 2019, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Within the framework of Addressing the Challenge and Constraints of Insulin Sources and Supply (ACCISS) Study aimed to improve access to insulin, a Regional Workshop on Improving Access to Insulin took place on October 14-15, 2019 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Representatives of eight countries of the region participated in the workshop, namely, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Other workshop participants included experts from WHO (HQ, EURO and Kyrgyzstan office), representatives of UNICEF, the ACCISS Study and their partners, and The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust (funder of the ACCISS Study).

The meeting was held to build awareness of the work of the ACCISS Study, the evidence gathered, and what is proposed to address the issues as well as to gain understanding of how to apply HAI developed core tools to assess country insulin access challenges. In addition, a platform has been created to share country best practices in planning, forecasting demand, registration, procurement, and distribution of insulin.

List of participants

Implementation of EVIPNet in Kyrgyzstan

Round Table on the Situation Analysis and Overview of Using Evidence in Policy-Making was held on December 10-11, 2015 in Bishkek with the assistance of WHO Country Office.

Target audience included management and specialists of the MoH, all National Centers and Research Institutions, higher medical educational institutions, relevant NGOs and the academic and scientific community representatives.

Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) is a WHO initiative that promotes the systematic use of health research evidence in policy-making.

EVIPNet Europe is a key support mechanism for the implementation of the European policy framework Health 2020. The knowledge translation platforms (KTPs) established through

EVIPNet Europe will help countries to translate knowledge into policy. More detailed information about EVIPNet-Europe can be found at the website: www.evipnet.org

As far as Kyrgyzstan has joined the EVIPNet-Europe, in order to establish the KTP locally the situation analysis was done and its findings were presented at the round table as well as the KTP establishment scenarios were discussed.

Round Table Agenda(PDF-1)

Presentation on the Preliminary Situation Analysis Findings(PDF-2)

M&E workshop for oblast level specialists and staff of the MoH

Based on a request from the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, on 12-13 November, 2015 theHPAC organized the workshop on «Monitoring and evaluation of health organizations’ performance in the framework of National “Den Sooluk” Health Care Reform Program of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2012-2016».

This workshop was aimed at improving practical skills for analysis and interpretation of data collected as well as preparation of reports on monitoring and evaluation of Den Sooluk Program within the confines of four priority areas: Mother and Child Health, CVD, TB and AIDS.

Core trainers of the workshop were Rakhat Cholurova (Policy and Service Delivery Expert of the Defeat TB Project) and Olga Kindyakova (Deputy Director of RHIC). Specialists directly involved in data collection, analysis and interpretation and, namely, deputy oblast  coordinators responsible for monitoring and evaluation of oblast health system performance, directors of oblast health information centers, chiefs of health information units of Bishkek and Osh health departments as well as technical coordinators of the KR MoH, responsible for monitoring and evaluation within four priority areas of Den Sooluk Program at the national level took part in the workshop.

The workshop participants remained happy with the content and organization quality of the workshop and expressed their hope that similar workshops will be conducted also for technical specialists responsible for monitoring at raion level, since, in their view, this will contribute to the reliability and quality of data collection, high-quality analysis and correct interpretation.

Decree of the MoH (including agenda and list of participants)(PDF-1)

List of participants with signatures(PDF-2)

WHO Flagship Course on HSS with focus on NCDs

09-13 May 2016, Barcelona, Spain

The WHO Regional Office for Europe is pleased to announce the next annual Flagship Course on Health Systems Strengthening to be held from 9 to 13 May 2016 in Barcelona, Spain. This week-long intensive course is offered by the Division of Health Systems and Public Health of the WHO Regional Office for Europe through the WHO Barcelona Office for Health Systems Strengthening. We invite you and your colleagues to participate in this exclusive training event.

The course focuses on policy options to address health system barriers to address the growing burdern of non-communicable diseases.

The course is delivered in English with simultaneous translation to Russian.

Applicants are invited to submit a completed online application form available on the course website:


Please use Flagship2016 as user name and password.

Please note that the deadline for receiving applications is 17 March 2016. To secure participation in the course, accepted participants will be charged a fee of EUR 300. The fee is payable upon acceptance of application. Once paid, this payment is non-refundable in case of cancellation. WHO will cover tuition, course materials, coffee breaks and lunches on all five days of the course, plus one dinner reception. Participants will be responsible for covering the costs of travel, accommodation and subsistence while in Barcelona.

A brochure of the course with further details is here.(PDF-1)